Process: Patch Tuesday
On second Tuesday of every month, we check for any critical, non-critical patches released by various vendors.
There are vast amount of websites that covers it. And because it has just been released, we have not patched yet, so we are vulnerable to all (except for the products we don't use). We need to determine whether any of the vulnerabilities announced requires an emergency patching rather than waiting for the patch cycle. We need to check what information, we can find regarding 'Zero Days', 'Exploited Vulnerabilities', 'Severities' etc.
-> Below is the link of Microsoft Security Update Guide:
Security Update Guide - Microsoft
-> Tenable is another website, we can refer to get Patch Tuesday updates:
Exposure Management Blog (
-> Create a Excel sheet for current month updates and save on the below location:
Patch Tuesday
-> Go to below website and check for the updates and copy them to Excel sheet.
-> Look & Analyze for the ZERO-Day Vulnerability and check for the severity. If needed, mark them as urgent and start working on these.
-> Look & Analyze for critical or non-critical updates related to Marie curie Infrastructure.
-> We can check, if the updates are available on our Azure Update Manager:
-> Login into below portal via your .A account.
-> Click on Azure Update Manager.
-> Click on Updates (Preview) and check for the available updates.