Process - Adding Email Addresses to Global Outlook Safe Senders List
Occasionally, Cybersecurity might have a request to add an email address or email domain to a Safe Sender List.
Issues that might be seen:
- Images do not automatically download in the email for Many/ALL Users
- Emails enter our 365 domain as per message trace however automatically goes to Many/ALL users Junk Mailbox
This process is to be used either for internal emails.
External emails must be allowed as per <> and this process MUST NOT be followed.
If only a one/few users having this issue, they can manually add the email/email domain to their Outlooks Safe Sender List.
1. Bastion into Jumpbox-prd01 in the Azure Tenant
2. Open RUN and open \\mccc.mariecurie.local\NETLOGON\Office\SafeSenders.txt
3. Append email address or email domain to the txt file and save file
a. If Email address, put in full address –
b. If Email Domain, put in domain like –
1. Restart Outlook
2. Check Safe Senders List